Siggi Bachmann, Experience Designer

My role as a creative leader is to inspire creativity in others so that they may become more successful in their role. I’m the Senior Director of Design and Creative Services at the world-renowned classical music academy New World Symphony. I’m responsible for oversight of all visual design, advertising, and branding as well as fostering team collaboration using design thinking to help teams innovate and frame new opportunities for business growth.I’m the creator of a comprehensive toll kit called Audience Experience Design (AXD), a human-centered design framework that provides arts organizations with tools to better connect them with their audiences.


During my time at New World Symphony, I have worked with design giants such as Michael Bierut design leader and Pentagram partner, architects at Gehry Partners as well as MIT and IBM to name a few.


I’ve served in leadership roles for AIGA Miami, Action Design Network Miami, and the Beacon Creative Council.In addition to that, I have lead multiple global events on Service Design and hosted creative teams from IBM to benefit the local community in Miami.


Prior to my design career and my entry into the United States, I had many great opportunities to experience work. During that time I worked mostly in renewable energy as an electrical engineer first in the role of a linesman for a power company a later in fiber optics and computer networks. I addition to that I’ve worked as a bartender, dishwasher, prep Sheff, in a fish factory, city employee, a supermarket cashier, and a studio photographer to name a few.All this experience has taught me not only how to work but how to lead others and how to solve problems and deal with the unexpected.


I hold a BA in Graphic Design and Advertising, a Journeyman license in electrical engineering, certification in Design Thinking and Innovation from Darden School of Business, a certificate in Mastering Business Models and Value Proposition from Strategyzer, and most recently a certificate of Advanced Design Thinking from IDEO.

Empathy is Good Design

In this episode of Practical Creativity Live, Siggi Bachmann, Experience Designer and Senior Director of Design at New World Symphony, joins creativity expert Marte Siebenhar to explore the importance of design as a tool in creating successful business outcomes. Like this video? 

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The Miami GovJam is a unique professional development opportunity for government workers and all people passionate about civic life. This project-based, hands-on professional training teaches participants how to dramatically increase the efficacy of service delivery and customer satisfaction, while fostering innovation and teamwork within and outside of government.
Video Credit: Tamika Bickam
Rights: Contexto